We have ventured into juicing.

It has been something that family and friends have suggested, prompted, and sometimes begged of me for sometime.

We watched this: http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/

I thought all that health stuff was phooey :) apparently there's something to it :)

Bonus: I've lost 18 pounds.  I was SHOCKED at the fact that I was hardly hungry.

Here is a Headache Comparison I created (mostly for myself) because I needed to "see"...I am very visual.  Here is a link to the document:Headache Comparison Aug/Sept 2012

I should have put this on that document...that when we juiced we juiced breakfast and lunch. Allowed snacks. Had a regular, healthy, dinner. Cut processed foods as much as possible (now we did have some chicken wings for football lol) . Nothing but juice water, crystal light for beverages. Then the three days we fasted, we had nothing but juice and water. Not even snacks.

One of my biggest fears was "we can't afford to do it" 

Well after a $2,000+ trip to the ER with no insurance....this is SURE cheaper.

There was upfront cost of the juicer. We bought the nicest we could afford.  For those curious, we purchased a Breville Juice Fountain Elite. 

Our grocery bill is so much less per week- its craziness 

 This weeks Farmers Market finds:

3 romaine $1
2 pineapples $4
8 pears $4
4 gigantic cucumbers $2
7 sweet potatoes $2
1 butternut squash $1
4 tomatoes $2
2 lemons & 4 limes $1.50
2 Kale bunches $2
1 bag of basil $1
Apples are $2 basket
we negotiated and got 10 baskets for $18 (this lasts about 2 weeks)
Total: $38.50

Here are some examples of some creations:

This is BY NO MEANS an exhaustive blog or how-to----I just wanted to get this out there for the 2 people who actually read my blog to see too. LOL!

If you have questions, ask away!


Miss Janet said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Your pictures were a perfect addition to this post.

I am so glad for you and your health.


Anonymous said...


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Miss Janet said...

Jen, I am going to start juicing tomorrow.

Where did you get your recipes? I need some soon so I can get what I need when I go grocery shopping tomorrow.

:) Janet