Invisible Children
So yeah, so my life chaos really is pretty insignificant when faced with the reality of other's lives. Not just people far away in Africa but brothers and sisters right here that are also seemingly invisible.

So God pierced my heart with a documentary about children in Uganda. If you want to see the video let me know I have a copy. Plus several people I know have a copy. Check out to learn more.

Help stop a war that is robbing children of their freedom! Can you imagine if you had to allow your small children to walk alone from your suburb into the city for fear they would be abducted from your home. Can you imagine a childhood faced with fear of abduction, forced to fight in a war with no cause, and face the possibility of death and hunting if you escaped your abductors. Can you imagine losing friends, a brother or loved one to these killers--well THIS IS A REALITY!! It IS happening daily!! And you can help make our government DO something. Get involved!

Our family is participating in the Global Night Commute-you can learn more and see a commercial on the website as well. We will walk to the center of Jacksonville with 133 other people (so far) and hopefully get our governments attention! It is happening all over the world the same night! April 29th!

This will also be a major motion picture event as well. Go when you here about it!

I just wanted to get the word out to my friends. I had a wonderful friend introduce it to me and I want to keep it going.

Get involved, get uncomfortable, and open your eyes! I know i pray mine will never be shut!!
Don't just go read more retarded stuff on My Space-go check this stuff out-It is WAY more important!