Recently we were walking down the "toy path" as we tend to do. I saw a toy that, previously, I would have looked and not thought another thing; but now I looked and shuddered. It made me sad. I was immediately trying to flash through the next 3-15 years and figure out how I was going to protect a young boy from images like this:
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These images are not the actual toys I saw |
See, little mister's dad has been arrested. Dad is facing hard time. Right now we tell D his dad is on a trip. Eventually he will have to know the truth. Dad is awaiting trial. It is gut wrenching to imagine what he is going through. He admits, he did it to himself. Don't worry, he didn't do anything awful. Just broke the law. His choices in the past, compounded with present bad choices are what are making the time add up.
See, I know that even though he broke man's law; he is still somebody's dad, son, or grand-son. He is loved. Thought of. Prayed for! If my crimes against God and man were known I could be right there with him!
I do not want D to be exposed to ugly stereotypes that shape who he thinks of as "good and bad."
Guess what, I realize I can't stop exposure. I can however shape what he thinks of those seen as outcasts, unlovely, low in society, criminals, poor, and needy. They are LOVED by God and we are to serve.
“Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew 25:37-40I will do my best to train this young man in the way he should go. I pray for wisdom and tenderness as we face the future. Every day of the future is uncertain for all of us, but I am assured of WHO shows me the way.
Click to see in context
While I have never viewed D's father as my enemy...
This quote truly stopped me:
Miles McPherson via Twitter... "Your love for God is no higher and sincere than your love for your worst enemy. 1John 4:20"
It gives me a lot to think about. Makes me see things differently.
Images originated from these sites:
Gross! Since when does blood belong on a little toy like that?
Your post kind of goes along with my thought for today:
Love God
Love People
Life is hard and reminders don't help, but sounds like you are doing what God would have you do.
Keep up the God work.
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